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- Posts: 12
- Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 7:13 pm
by Simonv » Thu May 05, 2011 7:22 pm
Hi there,
I'm trying out the 9 day demo of director studio with Softimage 2012 and 2011in win 7 x64 and so far everything is pretty slick with one exception. I've been unable to get the windows xbox controller we have working with craft. The hardware is installed and craft's controller setup recognizes the various controls i.e. when I hit the detect button in the controller setup window and move the analogue sticks craft does recognize the input but it doesn't register when I'm actually recording and animating the vehicle.
I tried a ps3 controller and had limited success. I had to install third party drivers which have now stopped working

. When it did work the car would always begin animating at full speed which seemed odd as well.
Overall I'm impressed with the results when I can get them using simpler methods like the ai tool but the controller setup has been a major pita. Would I have more success with a Logitech pad?
Micael Belin
- Posts: 168
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- Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
by Micael Belin » Mon May 09, 2011 10:03 am
Hi Simon,
The autodetect feature and the actual recording uses the same input routine and if you detect the device it should also work when recording. Did you save the scene in between? Can you verify the axis is still bound in the input settings?
Which input(s) did you bind the axis(es) to?
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 7:13 pm
by Simonv » Mon May 09, 2011 10:21 pm
I went back and cleaned out all the controller drivers I had on my system and did a fresh install of the xbox controller drivers and now everything seems to work fine. It was probably the stupid ps3 3rd party drivers that were conflicting with the MS ones.
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