Bullet time with craft !

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Bullet time with craft !

Post by mynodelic » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:49 pm

hey guys, is there any way of creating a bullet time animation with craft director tool? I tried to bake the animation the expand it with the dope sheet which was a bad move.

Any suggestion?


Patrik Martin
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Re: Bullet time with craft !

Post by Patrik Martin » Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:16 am

Change the fps of the scene and click on the re-simulate button, then you will get much more keys and precision. Fix the final effect in some movie editor.

If your output is supposed to have 30fps and you like to have your slow-motion to 1/4 of the time.
1. Since you are going to have 1/4 the time you will if you don't change the fps have 7,5 fps in the final movie. So in order to have 30 fps again you need to multiply the fps setting with 4. So in this example you need to change it to 120 (30*4).
2. Click on the Resimulate button in the CDS main window.
3. Render
4. Make a 30fps movie in some movie editor to get the bullet effect.

Good luck

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