linking issue? objects relocate to 0,0,0 when linking.

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linking issue? objects relocate to 0,0,0 when linking.

Post by rich0550 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:05 pm

I am wondering if this is craft related since i have some objects in the scene witch are craft and keyframed. I noticed for example that the keyframes dont show up in trackview unless craft was installed, so that make me wonder.

I have a biped01 selected about 2500’ from the center of the scene. When I attempt to link the biped01 to a helper object that is adjacent to the biped it relocates to 0,0,0. When I am linking it it is not in figure mode.

Is my file currupt, do i need to reinstall max 2010 64x, what is going on? I do have craft director keyframed objects and some other suff in the scene. I have also seen this same problem with objects being moved to 0,0,0 when i link some other stuff.

any advise appreciated.

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Micael Belin
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Re: linking issue? objects relocate to 0,0,0 when linking.

Post by Micael Belin » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:58 pm

Hi Rich,

Are you using the dummy object, or are you trying to relink the chassis only? Remember that the highpoly objects never contains any animation, only the dummy objects does. To have reactor applied on the car, you need to apply reactor to the dummy objects and use them for continual animation. The highpoly will simply follow the dummy object as before.
[email protected]

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