capture camera reflect by 45 degree mirror by cam tool?

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capture camera reflect by 45 degree mirror by cam tool?

Post by pennyche » Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:45 am

Hi Craft expert,

I am struggling with this issue a while , the Craft Director Studio camera tool might be helpful to simulate 360 degree camera_array in 3Ds Max 2010?

Does the camera array rig Image can be simulate the exactly same cameras array in 3Ds max and capture video (Imagesee cameras view.jpg)? aslo the cameras rig have to be dynamic to record the 3d Model and will not in still cameras

Put 9 camera Vertical make nodal point will be in the same place and easy to stitching videos.

above the camera len ‘s 45 degree mirror, can 3ds max can do the same setup via Craft Director Studio camera tool ?

any advice and suggest are welcome,Thanks in advanced

Patrik Martin
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Re: capture camera reflect by 45 degree mirror by cam tool?

Post by Patrik Martin » Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:15 pm

Hi Pennyche,

Well I do not really see why you want to do this with Craft Director Studio and why it needs to be mirrored like the model of the camera rig you show.

I can understand that this is needed in the real world since the cameras can not be placed in exactly the same position but in 3ds max you can. Create 9 cameras in the same position then rotate them with the degrees needed. If you have 9 cameras they should be placed with a difference of 40 degrees from each other (360/9 = 40) this is also the value of the FOV needed to be set on each camera in the rig.

If you like to control this camera rigs position my suggestion is that you link the whole camera rig to a Craft ObserverCam to be able to move the camera rig with the help of an input device.

Is this the answer you are seeking?


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