Keyframing Spinners

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Keyframing Spinners

Post by edthehobbit » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:57 am

I am curious if there is any way to keyframe spinner values by hand -- I would love to add varying levels of shake to the humanizerCam, but I find the spinner controls to be pretty cumbersome. If not, is there any way to change the level of sensitivity? For example, I'm using a logitech controller to add or subtract from the shake multiplier, but I only want to use fractional values -- even the tiniest tap of the axis sends the spinner well past one.

Thanks again guys, and I CANNOT WAIT for the new beta. You're all rock stars in my book.


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Micael Belin
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Re: Keyframing Spinners

Post by Micael Belin » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:45 am

Enter the input config dialog and scroll down to the property where you can change the shake amplitude using an input device. Click the Advanced button and a small dialog will appear. Reduce the multiplier value to a smaller value and you should get the effect you desire.
[email protected]

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