logitech g25 wheel

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logitech g25 wheel

Post by jermy » Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:58 am

winxp 64 sp2
maya 2009 x64 unlimited
latest craft demo

i am trying to hook up the logitech g25 gaming wheel to test with the demo, and for some reason it doesn't show up as an input device for me.

???? is there a trick ?

Carl Buhre
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Re: logitech g25 wheel

Post by Carl Buhre » Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:19 am


Make sure that the wheel is calibrated and plugged in before starting Maya. If you plug it in after having started Maya it won't show up in available inputs (the software only reads available inputs during load).

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Re: logitech g25 wheel

Post by jermy » Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:18 pm

I did this, and it still doesn't seem to work, also rebooted my machine.
are there any known driver issues, or special drivers i need?
i installed what came with the wheel, and it works in the game i tested it with.

let me know if you have any other suggestions.
in the mean time i will test it in 2008, and see if that makes any difference. and after that... maybe 32 bit Maya instead of 64?


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Re: logitech g25 wheel

Post by jermy » Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:25 pm

the wheel shows up in 2008 and 2009 32bit versions.

in 2009 i can't seem to get the foot pedals to work at all, however steering does work.

in 2008 the foot pedals work, but the clutch seems to be linked up to forward, and i can't seem to go backwards?
the brake also works, but i have the brake set to a button, not "combined pedals" so that is a little confusing?

is there anyway to modify what "combined pedals" does? or how it works?
seems like some signals are getting crossed within that definition?

or... it would be nice to just set forward the the "accelerator" brake to "brake" and reverse to "clutch"
when you have a the Logitech device as your input for forward and back, it doesn't give you separate options for forward and back.
and if you just put in "accelerator" it doesn't work. likewise if you put in "brake" for abs brake that doesn't seem to work.

- Jeremy

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