simulate -> move vehicle & rewind -> resimulate = snap!

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simulate -> move vehicle & rewind -> resimulate = snap!

Post by fredrik » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:47 pm

I've performed a simulation on a 4WheelerExt and then I realized I wanted it to start further away from the camera .. so,

I moved the rig further away and hit "resimulate". That obviously was just a shot in the dark and did not work well at all .. so,

I moved the rig to the far-away position, re-initialized the vehicle in the config, hit record and started to simulate. Nice! Now it works nicely. But, ah, crap I needed to reconfigure the suspensions and did so .. and after hitting resimulate the car snapped to it's original starting place (scene center) and the sim went crazy from there on. Doh!
It doesn't matter what I do now, the vehicle likes the scene center more than any other place in my scene. What can I do?

Solution for now: unreference the rig and create the reference once again. But this is not a nice way of working around the issue. If the Director of the film we're working on want the vehicle to start just a tad further away I need to redo everything (unless I want to shove the craft workflow and manually animate it instead).

Any ideas guys?
Fredrik Averpil,
VFX Supervisor, Filmgate

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Re: simulate -> move vehicle & rewind -> resimulate = snap!

Post by fredrik » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:53 pm

Weird. It now works even after resim.

Seems like it is a tiny tad buggy sometimes but now it works.
Fredrik Averpil,
VFX Supervisor, Filmgate

Carl Buhre
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Re: simulate -> move vehicle & rewind -> resimulate = snap!

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:22 am

fredrik wrote:Weird. It now works even after resim.

Seems like it is a tiny tad buggy sometimes but now it works.

Did you make sure to move the WheelerExt_01_GravityDirectionMesh as well? Because if you have a previous recording, Craft 4-Wheeler Extended will be positioned where the WheelerExt_01_GravityDirectionMesh is when the recording starts. Make sure that it has also been moved to the new position and don't forget to create a new key frame for it (drag the time slider for the viewport to update to make sure that it is correct). Then press ReSimulate.

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