Audio during capture?

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Audio during capture?

Post by peterspence » Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:40 am

I'm trying to synchronise a motion capture session to an audio track in 3dsmax 2009.

I've loaded the audio in to the standard audio track which plays fine normally.
However, when I start the recording, the audio playback is silent.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Peter Spence
Electric Putty Creations

Carl Buhre
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Re: Audio during capture?

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:23 pm

peterspence wrote:I'm trying to synchronise a motion capture session to an audio track in 3dsmax 2009.

I've loaded the audio in to the standard audio track which plays fine normally.
However, when I start the recording, the audio playback is silent.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Peter Spence
Electric Putty Creations
Hello Peter,

No you're not doing anything wrong. But if I remember correctly 3ds Max will start the playback when you play your animation. And with our tools when you're recording, we're not playing back the animation with the play button, we're moving the time slider through code, frame by frame. Which will probably result in the loss of playback.

It's a shame it works this way but I don't think we can do anything to get around it. Adding audio playback directly into Craft Director Tools has been on the table but as with most of our ideas, there has to be time to implement them too and unfortunately we haven't been able to yet.

Perhaps there is a script command to launch the audio playback?

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