Bicycle Group and CAT Bone Linking

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Bicycle Group and CAT Bone Linking

Post by srhyne » Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:14 pm

I created a CAT Bone Base Human Biped in 3DS Max 2020. I'm having a problem figuring out the parenting between the bones and the bicycle rig. The CAT Biped hierarchy is set to the following:
>Left Thigh
> Left Calf
> Left Foot (linked to left foot platform helper)
>Right Thigh
> Right Calf
> Right Foot (linked to right foot platform helper)
>Spine (torso and arms)

I parented the Pelvis to the 2WheelerExt_02_BodyRelocatorMesh
and parented the platform helpers to the Gyro for the pedals thinking the helper will follow the pedals and of course the foot will follow and the legs would spin with the pedal rotation. However, not the case. I'm hoping you can provide some direction on this. Thanks!

Patrik Martin
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Re: Bicycle Group and CAT Bone Linking

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:20 pm

srhyne wrote:
Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:14 pm
I created a CAT Bone Base Human Biped in 3DS Max 2020. I'm having a problem figuring out the parenting between the bones and the bicycle rig. The CAT Biped hierarchy is set to the following:
>Left Thigh
> Left Calf
> Left Foot (linked to left foot platform helper)
>Right Thigh
> Right Calf
> Right Foot (linked to right foot platform helper)
>Spine (torso and arms)

I parented the Pelvis to the 2WheelerExt_02_BodyRelocatorMesh
and parented the platform helpers to the Gyro for the pedals thinking the helper will follow the pedals and of course the foot will follow and the legs would spin with the pedal rotation. However, not the case. I'm hoping you can provide some direction on this. Thanks!
The Gyro works great for removing the undesired rotations of the pedals. Depending in which direction you have the gyro you can restrict it to only remove a specific rotation, which is good in this case. If the Gyro is pointing in the direction of the bicycle you set "Gyro Restriction" to "pitch only" in the configuration of the Gyro.

To translate the rotations from the wheel to the feet you can use the CogWheels tool. Place the ActiveCog as child of the rear wheel and make it the size of the cog driving the rear wheel. Then place the PassiveCog at the center between the pedals and make it the size of the cog at the pedals. This will make the rotations of the pedals vs. the rear wheel correct.

To make the Biped follow the 2-Wheeler Extended (Bicycle)
  1. Move the biped in desired position on the 2-Wheeler Extended (bike)
  2. Place the hands on the handlebar in the desired position
  3. Place the feet on the desired position on each pedal.
  4. Make the base bone "Bip001" be a child of the "2WheelerExt_01_BodyMesh"
  5. For each hand and feet do the following to make them follow the handlebar and pedals.
    1. Select the hand/foot
    2. Go to the "Motion panel" Image and expand "Key Info Rollout".
    3. In the "Key Info Rollout" click on the "Set Planted Key"
    4. Then expand the "IK bar" (still within the "Key Info rollout") just below the "Set Planted Key" and click the Arrow button Image and select the handlebar/Padal for the selected hand/foot to follow
    5. Deselect the hand/foot and then select it again.
    6. Expand the "IK bar" again in the "Key Info Rollout" and select "Object" and set the "IK Blend" to 1.0
    7. Now that specific hand/foot follows the handlebar/pedal.
    8. Redo a-g for each hand/foot.
  6. Done

Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:57 pm

Re: Bicycle Group and CAT Bone Linking

Post by srhyne » Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:27 pm

Thanks for the detailed instructions Patrik! I will give it a run and report back on the progress.

Thanks again!


Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:57 pm

Re: Bicycle Group and CAT Bone Linking

Post by srhyne » Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:48 pm

Hi Patrik,

I'm attempting the instructions you provided, and the interface for "Key Info Rollout" is not in 3DS Max 2020. I looked up information on "Set Planted Key" and all the information is from versions prior to 2020. Any chance you know how this may work on 2020?


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