Tweaking the rig after finishing rigging

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Tweaking the rig after finishing rigging

Post by Lordof » Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:32 pm

Hello there guys,

I got another computer so I decided to install the demo again. The first time I tried CDT everything was fine but now I can't move a tank without the tracks going crazy, wich is something that happened to me the first time and I could fix it , but this time with a more complex tank I can't.

I guess it has something to do with the rig so I was wondering If its possible to tweak it, once I've finished rigging so I don't have to start all over again(I've created 3 rigs this morning, none of them working). I mean, If I wanted to change the wheels diamater (as someone suggested) or the passive cog diameter, do I have to unparent , delete the unwanted wheels, create new ones and parent again. Should I expect weird track behaviors after doing this? Is it better to create a whole new rig?I'm not sure about the workflow when you have finished rigging and you want to make little changes.

Thanks in advance

Carl Buhre
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Re: Tweaking the rig after finishing rigging

Post by Carl Buhre » Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:37 am

Lordof wrote:Hello there guys,

I got another computer so I decided to install the demo again. The first time I tried CDT everything was fine but now I can't move a tank without the tracks going crazy, wich is something that happened to me the first time and I could fix it , but this time with a more complex tank I can't.

I guess it has something to do with the rig so I was wondering If its possible to tweak it, once I've finished rigging so I don't have to start all over again(I've created 3 rigs this morning, none of them working). I mean, If I wanted to change the wheels diamater (as someone suggested) or the passive cog diameter, do I have to unparent , delete the unwanted wheels, create new ones and parent again. Should I expect weird track behaviors after doing this? Is it better to create a whole new rig?I'm not sure about the workflow when you have finished rigging and you want to make little changes.

Thanks in advance

Do you think you could send us your scene so we can take a look at it? Either upload it somewhere or send it directly to [email protected]. If it's too big, send an e-mail stating that and I'll provide you with some FTP information so you can upload it.

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Re: Tweaking the rig after finishing rigging

Post by Lordof » Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:18 pm

Hi Carl and thanks for the quick reply.

Finally it worked and the problem was right in front of my eyes: the step that I was using had the normals flipped so I reversed them and problem gone!! I just created a new track and now is working really well.

Thanks for your interest and keep up the good work!!!

Carl Buhre
Quality Assurance Consultant
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Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:59 pm
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Re: Tweaking the rig after finishing rigging

Post by Carl Buhre » Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:23 pm

I'm glad to hear that LordOf. Let us know if you run into any other problems or have any questions.

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