space navigator crashes vehicles (help!?)

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space navigator crashes vehicles (help!?)

Post by jojo » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:43 pm

when i try to drive a vehicle using the 3dconnexion spacenavigator, the models glitch of screen within one or 2 frames, to never be seen again.

Also when i try to use a control "profile" it doent work, it calls itself "space navigator" while my device (using autodetect) is written down as "Space navigator(2)"
and it behaves as if its not listning to my controller, as its doing nothing.

also the axis detection is very strange, one time it detects the same movement as "x axis" the other time as "z rotation" and anothertime as "Y translation" (with random combinations of them too)

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Micael Belin
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Re: space navigator crashes vehicles (help!?)

Post by Micael Belin » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:18 pm

There are some 3dconnection devices which are detected multiple times - one by our ordinary 3dconnexion driver, and one by the default directinput driver. The result is that you get duplicates in the device list.
The downside is that it seems the wrong device is detected first, therefore garbling up both profiles and the autodetect function.

As a workaround, configure the input config manually (first select the device in the top combo box and then which control you want to bind)
You need to determine which of the devices are the correct one. Once you have configured the car you can save your own profile for the future - this profile will detect the correct device once you load it in the future.
[email protected]

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Re: space navigator crashes vehicles (help!?)

Post by jojo » Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:51 am

it strangely fixed itself :shock:

now i can use the 3dx control profiles :D

btw, for any other 3dconnexxion device users out there,

it helps if you turn the "suspend motion" option on when recording, else it makes the camera jitter around.

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