Car drives through mesh

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Posts: 105
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:09 pm

Car drives through mesh

Post by dv2000 » Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:02 pm

i am attaching the scene with the terrain where a car drives through ramp instead of detecting it. It happens only with some mesh. Could you please let us know why some mesh works and some doesnt


Patrik Martin
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Re: Car drives through mesh

Post by Patrik Martin » Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:21 pm

dv2000 wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:02 pm
i am attaching the scene with the terrain where a car drives through ramp instead of detecting it. It happens only with some mesh. Could you please let us know why some mesh works and some doesnt

Sometimes when there is a disconnect between objects in a mesh where the facets does not connect then the 4-wheeler can en up in these situations where it decides to continue on the same terrain.

To solve this the need to be united properly in to one object. The smoothest way in this situation is to use the Boolean feature.

1. Detach the ramps to new mesh
2. Select the ground
3. Go to Crate > Geometry
4. Select "Compound Objects" in the drop-down
5. Create a Boolean
6. In the Boolean parameters click on "add operands" button and select the ramps.
7. Make sure it is set to Union or Merge.
8. Make your animation
8. Done

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