Suspension blows apart in Maya

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Suspension blows apart in Maya

Post by JoePalma » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:40 am

I am using the Suspension tool for 1/2 shafts at each wheel. They rotate with the wheel and respond to the vertical suspension movements. After everything is parented and upon recording the Suspension tool jumps and separates where the SpringTranform meets the UpperHold. The lower hold remains intact with the WheelMesh as the SpringTransform flops around with the rotating wheel. I have tried both parenting as directed in the Craft manual as well as various constraints & parenting in several other combinations. The springtransform either flops around or the entire Suspension tool breaks and scales down tiny.

I am using Maya 2016 & Craft 16.1.2. I am a Max user and new to Maya with a deadline approaching! (It worked perfectly in Max but I cannot use it!) I tried emailing support & received no reply. If anyone has had this problem and/or knows the fix, please help!!

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