CDS really slow recording on max 2012.

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CDS really slow recording on max 2012.

Post by fael097 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:30 am

hi. I was trying new cds the other day, so i made a scenery and tried to control a 4 wheeler extended. scenery was a bit high poly, like 300k+ but this guy: ... 1ZlaaxiS4=

is running real smooth on a scenery with about the same ammount of polygons.
except i didn't. my computer crashed like instantly, I could move my mouse once each 10 seconds.
so I deleted many polygons on my ground mesh, reduced it to about 39k and got about 3-4fps simulation. funny thing that my viewport was saying I had 200fps.

I'm on a i7 930, geforce gtx 260. tried my friend's gtx 560 ti but didn't notice much improvement. tried nitrous, direct 3d, opengl, no difference aswell.

any clues what this could be? I'm on max 2012 x64, cds 11.1.5.

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Joined: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:41 pm

Re: CDS really slow recording on max 2012.

Post by adamk » Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:57 pm

Try to make it on another system and If it is not working there so you have to reduce more poly it will makes easier to animate your object.
Adam K - The Animationspot - A leading Animation Company in USA. For more information visit our site.

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