little skidding problem

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little skidding problem

Post by geet » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:55 pm

hey i tried everything your burnout function is awesome but also like in reality a car`s tires should still be in some burnout motion while going forward immediately after burnout on one place, but they are not.actually the car stops completely first and then with gas pedal moves normally.

also i cannot skid my car while moving as if nothing happens when i press skid brake the car stops normally i mean i really don`t know how to use the skidding option if you guys can provide me with some kinda tutorial it will be of great help thank you

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Luigi Tramontana
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Re: little skidding problem

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:40 pm

Hi Geet.

Download a beta version of the upgraded 4W Extended (only available as 32-bit!): ... tended.dll
1. Simply copy it into x:\program files (x86)\craft\cdt\plugins (move the old dll to another folder just in case).
2. Then you need to select the Factory Settings preset to get it all right.
- Improved skid brake capabilities.
- Improved autonomous mode.
- Camber Angle is enabled (requires a slightly altered rigging process).
- Tire Pressure is enabled (although lattice/FFD and some scripting is required).

Also try the new system features: ctrl-z while recording will stop, undo, and start recording again (and as before undo jumps the timeline back to the last startingpoint, esc for stop).

Now to your questions:

Burnout: There is a parameter called the burnout fadeout factor which becomes active when you release the button. Increase it to make the ease out more smooth, say 0.999 for very smooth ease out.

The other issue was skidding and skid brake. They are two different features.
1. Skidding is used to apply skidding (while the button is pressed) whereby the car will skid as if driving on gravel or mud. To get nice rally kind of rear end overshoots apply burnout at the end of the skidding.
2. The Skid Brake feature will lock the wheels while the button is pressed and brake the car. The smaller the Skid Brake Maximum the
more "icy" the braking will be. The Skid Brake Factor should usually not be changed. Skid Brake Stop Factor If larger than 1.0 it will brake harder after the button is released yielding a harder ending of the skid brake.

You may also consider changing the following parameters
Slow-motion Factor: 3
Maximum Steering Change Velocity: increase it to make the steering faster
Steering Wheel Response Factor: increase it to make the steering response faster
Speed Dependent Turn Radius Reduction Factor: 0.0 (to enable harder turns, this in combination with Booster will yield fast rotations)
Gas Pedal Maximum: 10, or use booster.

//Luigi TA

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