2 Spline Speed Controllers in scene Crash Max?

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2 Spline Speed Controllers in scene Crash Max?

Post by ddustin » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:17 am

1. We are using the evaluation version of the Spline Speed controller.
2. Initially we set up a scene where there was only one Spline Speed Controller and it works very well.
3. Adding a 2nd Spline Speed Controller and trying to record the simulation max crashes to the error reporting screen every time.
4. I am tired of filling out the Max crash report (at least 20 times today alone).

We press record and the Clock is visible (filled with all white though, not the normal pie shapes) then max crashes to the error screen
I have an earlier project file saved when there was only one Spline Speed controller and it will record fine.
Deleting the 2nd spline Speed controller does not fix the problem.

Is there a limitation to the evaluation version that it can only have one per scene?
EDIT: I have tested placing 2 spline Speed controllers in one scene and it works fine.

My fear is the evaluation version (one day is too short by the way) will time out before I figure this out.
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Re: 2 Spline Speed Controllers in scene Crash Max?

Post by ddustin » Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:58 am

It seems it only happens on Record, the scene can be resimulated, just not recorded.....
I have everything hidden in the scene except the terrain and the Craft Vehicles.
Any ideas?
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Re: 2 Spline Speed Controllers in scene Crash Max?

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:15 am

If possible, please send the scene to [email protected] and we'll take a look at what's causing the problem. And if you want an extended trial period you can contact [email protected] and they will hook you up with everything you need.

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Re: 2 Spline Speed Controllers in scene Crash Max?

Post by ddustin » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:29 pm

This scene is quite large and I don't know if I can send it without the maps.
We could do an online meeting (we use GotoMeeting) if that would help.

The ability to resimulate helps, but if I need to record with input, Max crashes...

367k Polys
Dell 690 XP64, 8Gb Ram, Max 2009
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