Unreal Engine Wheel Motion Blur Fix Guide Please

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Unreal Engine Wheel Motion Blur Fix Guide Please

Post by davesturchcgi » Sun Jul 23, 2023 4:29 pm

Hi, I've seen many posts on this forum and online of people wanting a fix for the wheel issue with motion blur inside Unreal Engine. I've tried all the solutions and I have only managed to get it working once. I have tried to repeat the exact process that worked and have never got it working again and it's driving me insane.

The one time I got it to work I reset the xforms on the wheels inside max, then centered the pivots of the wheels and then link constrained the wheels to the wheel dummy. This has only worked once and I've no idea why it doesn't work every time.

Can we get a definitive guide on fixing this as it's quite a big issue that's not being addressed properly by the Craft team.


Patrik Martin
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Re: Unreal Engine Wheel Motion Blur Fix Guide Please

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:21 pm

Hi Dave,

We have not received that much response to this issue but we would be happy to have a look at a scene you have issues with.
Please send us a scene you are having issues with (I will contact you via email) so that we can have a look.

Best Regards,

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Re: Unreal Engine Wheel Motion Blur Fix Guide Please

Post by Darill » Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:14 am


Unfortunately, there's no definitive guide available at the moment, but I can suggest a few steps that might help :

Make sure your export settings are correct: Check that you're exporting the 3D model with the correct settings from your 3D modeling software (e.g. 3ds Max). It's essential to export the model with the correct coordinate system and scale so that Unreal Engine can interpret it correctly.

Check pivot points: Make sure that wheel pivot points are correctly centered and aligned. Incorrect pivot points can cause problems with rotations and animations in Unreal Engine.

Animation setup: Check the animation setup for wheels and wheel dummy in Unreal Engine. Make sure that link constraints and animations are correctly configured and work as expected.

Motion blur settings: Examine the motion blur settings in Unreal Engine. Adjusting motion blur settings can sometimes help improve the visual quality of moving objects such as wheels.

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