propper set up for logitech G923

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propper set up for logitech G923

Post by dv2000 » Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:06 pm

I jsut cannot set up properly with logitech g 923 wheel, Please help.

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Re: propper set up for logitech G923

Post by dv2000 » Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:54 pm

have you guys tried using G923? I cannot even make craft to detect wheel left and right. I used to turn wheel on my old Logitech to detect left and right. I also tried offset and nothing Car just moves on its own.

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Re: propper set up for logitech G923

Post by dv2000 » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:04 pm

Also use reverse as ABS not working no matter what. I assigned Gas for forward as letter A it detected. And B for ABS Brake. WHen detecting gamepad you only have one letter unlike keyboard you get two one for forward another one for backwards.

Patrik Martin
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Re: propper set up for logitech G923

Post by Patrik Martin » Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:07 am

Yes, the UI should allow you for the possibility to separate the inputs if desired.

You are actually able to do this today by editing the input profile. Located in
"Documents\Craft Animations\directorstudio\data\carextended\inputprofiles"
  1. For the 4-Wheeler or any other tool's input. Set up the inputs you like to use and set the G923 brake to for instance ABS, just so that we can know the index number for it.
  2. Save the profile as a new profile.
  3. Go to "Documents\Craft Animations\directorstudio\data\carextended\inputprofiles" and open the profile you just saved in a text or code editor.
  4. Copy the code below and overwrite the <property name="Gas Pedal (Forw/Backw)">...</property> part in your profile or if there is any other input you like to use two different inputs for.

    Code: Select all

    <property name="Gas Pedal (Forw/Backw)">
    	<control device="TrinaryEmulator" type="control" index="0">
    		<description>Separated inputs</description>
    		<control device="" devindex="1" type="Axis" index="1">
    			<description>Foward on one axis</description>
    		<control device="" devindex="1" type="Axis" index="4">
    			<description>Backward on second axis</description>
  5. Once copied over. Exchange the number in devindex="1" with the number that corresponds with G923 wheel/pedals. If it is 2 then it should say devindex="2" instead of devindex="1". devindex is the pointer that tells CDS what device to use.
  6. If you know the specific axis (for instance by looking at an specific actions input) you like to use you are able to change the index="1" to the right number for your device. index is for CDS to know what input it is to use.
  7. Save the profile
  8. Restart the 3d program
  9. Once in setup window for the inputs, load the profile and it should be showing two different axis for one and the same input.
Here is how it should look once you load the profile. If not, then you might have used the wrong number for the devindex. If CDS does not find the device or input specified it will show an empty input.

How it should look:
screenshot.163.png (9.26 KiB) Viewed 12275 times

Please note that you need for the input to be plugged in and active before you start the 3d program. If you plug in after the 3d program is started CDS will not be able to find the device.

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Re: propper set up for logitech G923

Post by dv2000 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:39 am

Thank you. Will this be added to the future updates?

I noticed a lot of my problems were not enabling COMBINED PEDALS in Logitech software itself. Not sure why it matters though

Patrik Martin
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Re: propper set up for logitech G923

Post by Patrik Martin » Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:44 pm

dv2000 wrote:
Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:39 am
Thank you. Will this be added to the future updates?

I noticed a lot of my problems were not enabling COMBINED PEDALS in Logitech software itself. Not sure why it matters though
So, if you combine the pedals you do not face this issue, right? Becouse it now sees it as one axis and not two different.

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