Initial speed problem

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Initial speed problem

Post by hyperviktor » Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:21 pm

We are trying to rig a car with CDS and bumped into the following problem - we are trying to set it up to work with the logitech G29 and it seems to work OK but as soon as we hit record the car will zoom forward or backwards without any input... How do we sort this ? We need some help ASAP :(

Patrik Martin
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Re: Initial speed problem

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:30 pm

The issue is usually that there is an input entered before the record has started. If an input is set under recording countdown it will add an initial speed.

if you make sure to not press anything on record, does it still go forward? If so, it might have an initial velocity set in the configuration under gauges. It is bit confusing that it is stated under Gauges.
Another thing that could create an issue is that the input is set with an offset and gives an input even if the pedals are not pushed. Try calibrate the pedals.

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Re: Initial speed problem

Post by hyperviktor » Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:57 pm

The input offset is zero, we're not doing any input doing countdown and the initial speed is set to zero too, hence the post here.

The car just starts moving in reverse. After starting to record the car start moving at full speed. If we try pushing any pedals it can have an influence but if we stop it, it goes back to the initial behaviour.

Also, we're testing it with the default rig, no changes or scaling, nothing, just a default 4wheeler extended.

And the controller is calibrated.

Really need some help.

Patrik Martin
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Re: Initial speed problem

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:03 pm

If I remember it correct the G29 uses the same axis between the brake and the throttle. So, I believe that the 0 value is actually at full brake and at idle it is 0.5 and 1.0 at full throttle which is a bit different to what many others do.

Try to set the offset to -0.5 in the advanced settings of the Gas Pedal Forw/Bakw input.

Also, if the car goes backward you have accidently assigned brake as forward and throttle to brake. You can switch the inputs by changing the multiplier to -1.0.
screenshot.93.png (10.27 KiB) Viewed 8277 times

When using the Detect feature for Gas Pedal input setting it will set Foward as the first input and direction it detects and Backward (used as brake also) as the second. So, in your case it is most likely detecting brake for some reason as the first input and sets this to Forward. Again, you can invert this using the multiplier in the advanced settings.

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Re: Initial speed problem

Post by hyperviktor » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:09 pm

Okay, we're getting somewhere, the 0.5 values are working, the car doesn't have any initial movement now, but I still don't get why would forward/backward assigned to the same pedal ?

Patrik Martin
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Re: Initial speed problem

Post by Patrik Martin » Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:58 am

CDS supports both, assign to one and the same or separate. For instance if you use arrows on your keyboard it will use two different inputs, one for forward and one for backward. Aslo, Backward in forward motion is by default set to be used as brake.

The main issue is that Logitech oddly decided to make the axis from 0 to +1 and set the idle at +0.5. Usually it is set to be -1 to +1 and idle at 0.

If you like to set the brake separate you have this lower down in the input list ("ABS Brake").

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