Spinning car on icy road

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Spinning car on icy road

Post by dv2000 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:58 am

We have a long icy road and we need a car at high speed loose the traction and jut spin going down the road. We tried skid, burn out nothing helps. Do you have an option of low friction? What exactly we need to do?
like this car in the video doing lots of spins https://youtu.be/gY0gda12pXg?t=108
Thank you

Carl Buhre
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Re: Spinning car on icy road

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:39 am

When you say that skidding doesn't work, do you mean that it does nothing, or that it doesn't give you your desired results?

Maybe you could try a combination of skidding and External Force. Position the External Force arrow so that it is pointing towards the rear side of the vehicle and then when driving, hold down the skidding button and press the External force button.
I haven't tried this myself, it's just of the top of my head.

Patrik Martin
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Re: Spinning car on icy road

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:21 pm

Carl Buhre wrote:
Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:39 am
Maybe you could try a combination of skidding and External Force. Position the External Force arrow so that it is pointing towards the rear side of the vehicle and then when driving, hold down the skidding button and press the External force button.
I haven't tried this myself, it's just of the top of my head.
The external force does not add any effect on the movement of the 4-Wheeler Extended, just "simulated weight" so this does not help in this situation...
dv2000 wrote:
Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:58 am
We have a long icy road and we need a car at high speed loose the traction and jut spin going down the road. We tried skid, burn out nothing helps. Do you have an option of low friction? What exactly we need to do?
like this car in the video doing lots of spins https://youtu.be/gY0gda12pXg?t=108
Thank you
How this is solved depends on the situation but this shoud get you on the right track...

When using the Skid Brake, the value to set the "friction" is the "Skid Brake Maximum". If this value is set to "0" the skidding will just continue until you release the skid brake button.

To make the skid start smooth lower the value of "Skid Brake Response Factor" to something like "0.01" and to have a decent icy road change the "Skid Brake Maximum" to something like "0.15". These are found under "Input Property Parameters".

If you like for the car to spin more during a skid set the "Skid Brake Rot Brake Mult" under "General Properties" to "0" to make it spin freely (not brake the rotations).

Please note that you need to hold down the Skid Brake button until the car comes to a stop, otherwise it will end its skid and behave odd.

If you like to make this effect in a corner I suggest that you first make the standard animation (as if the car had friction) then rewind to the position when you like for the car to start loosing its grip and just hit record and hold down the button for Skid Brake. It will then start the enabling of the skid brake exactly at the point you liked to start it.

Also if you use autonomous mode in a corner you can set the "Skidding Release Value (Lateral Vel Rel)" to a low value like "0.001" to set the 4-Wheeler to slide in a turn and adjust the Skidding Maximum and Response factor to get a desired "controlled" slide until the car loses its friction and you apply the Skid Brake.

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Re: Spinning car on icy road

Post by dv2000 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:09 pm

Thanks for help. Unfortunately nothing worked. Car just glides forward without spinning. Do you have any video tutorials by chance?

Patrik Martin
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Re: Spinning car on icy road

Post by Patrik Martin » Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:48 am

dv2000 wrote:
Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:09 pm
Thanks for help. Unfortunately nothing worked. Car just glides forward without spinning. Do you have any video tutorials by chance?
Here is a testscene I made in 3ds max 2021.

These are the steps I took to create this:
  • Make the 4-Wheeler user autonomous and follow the spline.
  • Change the skidding settings under "General properties".
    Skidding Release Value (Lateral Vl Rel) = 0.0001
    Skidding Release Response Factor = 1
    Skid Brake Stop Factor = 0.01
    Skid Brake Rot Brake Multi = 0.005 (the higher the less rotations)
  • Run the animation and let the 4-Wheeler Extended run after the target mesh.
  • Assign the "Skid Brake" input to a desired button.
  • Pull back the timeline to the point of when the 4-Wheeler starts to turn left.
  • Click record and hold down the skid brake input so that it applies directly when it starts to animate. Make sure to hold the button for the rest of the animation.
  • Done...

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