Each copy of 3ds Max takes the floating license

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Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:32 pm

Each copy of 3ds Max takes the floating license

Post by Vipera » Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:09 am

I am having a big problem with the thing that if you open a second version of 3ds max then it takes a second floating license. We have two floating licenses and have plugin installed on two workstations. If one of the workstations opens second copy of 3ds max then it takes the second CraftAnimation floating license. The most annoying thing is that another workstation doesn't know that there are no more floating licenses available. Second workstation can open the file with CA plugin and make changes to the file fine. But when it tries to save the changed max file then there is an error pop-up that the license is not available and no CA tool will be saved. I have already lost a lot of work time because of this problem. Is anything can be done to solve this problem?

Patrik Martin
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Re: Each copy of 3ds Max takes the floating license

Post by Patrik Martin » Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:35 pm

Craft Director Studio has been updated with a function to prevent this from happening.
  1. *Go to Main -> Prefernces
  2. In the preferances window uncheck "Verify licenses on startup"
  3. Hit OK - Done

Hi Vipera,

I can totally understand that this is an annoying issue. I have made some tests and yes I am able to also get this issue and it is not how it should behave. A license should be per workstation and not per instance of 3d program running.

I will escalate this to see what we can solve.

In the meantime please send an email to support at craftanimations.com and we will sort out node-locked licenses until this issue is fixed.

Thanks for letting us know.
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