Mac Yosemite 10.10 Installation Problem

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Mac Yosemite 10.10 Installation Problem

Post by all90killers » Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:31 pm

I am stuck, I am not able to install Craft Director's Studio of mac Mac Yosemite 10.10. Now I don't know of its a Yosemite issue or the latest mac Issue. I have installed Maya 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 still in none of the Mayas I don't see the Craft Studio Plugin option in the Plugin Manager.

I installed the CDS setup but I don't see a trace of your awesome plugin in Maya, Is there any thing I am not doing or doing wrong? I tried the trial version on a Windows computer of my friend, its easy and pretty awesome. I wanna make some advance tutorials on using the plugin in production, making complex stuff easily work. Plus I really like the Make a Tutorial and get a tool free scheme, so Please help me out so I can contribute in making you guys cool gain!

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