Craft Director Studio maya2014 linux

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Craft Director Studio maya2014 linux

Post by John » Thu May 29, 2014 9:38 am

Hello to the craft animations forum,

thanks for this opportunity to get a little bit help. My name is John and we are currently evaluating Craft Director Studio on linux.
We were able to install the packages (our system admin still stay on the beach ^^) on two of our machines but got two questions:

1. we sadyl recognized that there is only maya supported up to 2012, is this correct? Will there be an update for newer versions soon? Because we are not on windows anymore and we are currently on maya2014 / maya 2013.5 we cant test.
2. the documentation is for win/osx only as we saw, thats okay, but we would like to know how we could start director studio through the comand line on linux? As there were no desktop files created during the installation we are a little bit stucked at the moment.

Thanks for a response

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