Not Working :(

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Not Working :(

Post by andrewluna » Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:33 pm

I've watched a couple of different tutorials on how to setup the free "4wheelerFree" but it doesn't work. Any kind of tips or help would be appreciated!

Here's the problem.
1. I set my scene to meters and 24fps.
2. I opened up craft, and created the 4wheeler free.
3. I'm on a mac so I set my pref's to "enable access for assistive devices"
4. I created 4 basic cylinders and a cube to test the rig first. The cubes and cylinders were sized to fit the template. Pivots were centered and history deleted.
5. I parented 1 cylinder to each tire, and the cube to the body of the car. So in the outliner my geo is parented to the corresponding craft rig part.
6. I selected the 4wheeler and set it to the keyboard preset.
*7. I hit record and the car doesn't move. Keys are being set, but the car doesn't move. When I hit the keys it just cycles through the outliner.

- Troubleshooting Steps I've Done So Far -
1. Move the car up slightly off the ground. Possibly intersecting with the ground plane.
Result - It falls to ground and wiggles a bit, but fails to move with my keyboard. (regular mac keyboard)
2. Updating to v11.1.5
Result - Nothing, same problem
3. Trash Maya Preferences
Result - Nothing, same problem
4. Not using geometry, just the rig.
Result - Nothing, same problem

Thanks for the help in advance :) I don't know what else to try :(

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