collision - objects

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collision - objects

Post by BATPROJ » Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:06 am

Just one simple question: is it possible to create an "intelligent car" with craft animations...? This car can understand when it touch objects (like barrier) and understand collision...?
If it can, how make it? (i haven't see something to change in parameters 4 wheelerExt).

Patrik Martin
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Re: collision - objects

Post by Patrik Martin » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:19 pm

The only object the 4-Wheeler will detect is the ground you are driving on. So if you are looking for a collision with a wall you need to switch it over so that the 3d program is running a physics engine and make the wall as a physic object. Of course you are able to make the car to a physic object at the point of impact.

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