3DS Max Slow start up issue

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3D Davs
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3DS Max Slow start up issue

Post by 3D Davs » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:54 pm

Hi Guys,

1st post, sorry it's a support issue :oops:

We've recently purchased the Craft Director Suite with a floating license. For reasons unknown we couldn't get the server license running on our usual licence managing PC, so had to try it with a new license on one of our workstations instead.

It's all up and running OK now but having installed the Craft suite on the workstation, we've found that 3DS MAX takes an absolute age to start up :? . Just wondered if this is a known issue?

I can confirm that on un-installing the Craft Suite, MAX starts up just fine. We've tried un-installing, restarting and re-installing the license & plugins, but it's back to the painfully slow start up again (3DS MAX 2012).

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as it's frustrating to have to go for a long walk or make a cup of tea whilst you wait for MAX to start!

All the best,

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Patrik Martin
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Re: 3DS Max Slow start up issue

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:19 pm

Hi Andy,

Try the following solution...
Once you have CDS up and running go in to preferences from the Main menu and uncheck the "Verify licenses on startup (not recommended for floating licenses).


3D Davs
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Re: 3DS Max Slow start up issue

Post by 3D Davs » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:38 pm

Hi Patrik,

Sorry to say, that didn't help. It's still taking an age to start. The RLM Status says the ISV Craftanim license is running on port 49322, whereas in the .lic file it is set to 28000. Could that be the issue perhaps?

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Micael Belin
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Re: 3DS Max Slow start up issue

Post by Micael Belin » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:49 am

Hi Andy,

No, the 49322 port is something the licensing system uses internally. But the problem you describe indeed originates from a bad pointer to the server.

If you are running on Windows, please download the license tool for easier troubleshooting:
ftp://public:[email protected]. ... taller.exe

Download, install and run the tool. If you have a faulty server connection you should directly notice it in the server list. Remove any faulty connections and try insert them again. That should solve your timeout problem.
[email protected]

3D Davs
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Re: 3DS Max Slow start up issue

Post by 3D Davs » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:30 pm

Thanks Micael, we will try that.

We noticed after start up that CDS was taking a long time registering all the licenses and made MAX unresponsive. We tried leaving it overnight hoping that would solve the issue but I'm sorry to say it didn't.
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