Will using two seperate craft director helpers in the same i

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Will using two seperate craft director helpers in the same i

Post by VisuaLHippocracY » Tue May 10, 2011 6:25 am

I'm making a scene where a helicopter is chasing a car, I want to control both the car and the heli with craft. If I first animate the car then the heli will it remove the car key frames?
If yes is there a way to workaround this?
Also Can I add cameras later on to this?(non CDS cameras I mean)
Thank you!

Patrik Martin
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Re: Will using two seperate craft director helpers in the same i

Post by Patrik Martin » Tue May 10, 2011 9:13 am

VisuaLHippocracY wrote: I'm making a scene where a helicopter is chasing a car, I want to control both the car and the heli with craft. If I first animate the car then the heli will it remove the car key frames?
If yes is there a way to workaround this?
You are able to animate them both at the same time or separate. Just use the Key icon left of the tool instance to controll if it should be animated or not.
VisuaLHippocracY wrote:Also Can I add cameras later on to this?(non CDS cameras I mean)
Yes you can use any camera you like. We do not set any restrictions at all to other software.

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Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 6:12 am

Re: Will using two seperate craft director helpers in the same i

Post by VisuaLHippocracY » Tue May 10, 2011 7:08 pm

Patrik Martin wrote:
VisuaLHippocracY wrote: I'm making a scene where a helicopter is chasing a car, I want to control both the car and the heli with craft. If I first animate the car then the heli will it remove the car key frames?
If yes is there a way to workaround this?
You are able to animate them both at the same time or separate. Just use the Key icon left of the tool instance to controll if it should be animated or not.
VisuaLHippocracY wrote:Also Can I add cameras later on to this?(non CDS cameras I mean)
Yes you can use any camera you like. We do not set any restrictions at all to other software.
Oh cool! Thanks alot! And congrats on an excellent piece of software there is another free one available to drive the car but i find it too complicated. And i don't care much for reactors toy car plugin as my car either flies or doesn't move. Your software is definately the best.

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