Keep animation after edit

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Keep animation after edit

Post by shade0625 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:38 pm

Hi all,

I recently started using craft animation tools and I'm really impressed by this piece of software.
However I have one question:

Everytime I click on record, all keyframes and input data after the frame I currently work on is deleted.
I understand that this is neccessary as the data has to be overwritten, but is there a possibility to keep my animation, while editing data before it?

Example : I want to edit my animation on frames 0 - 200 and keep the animation that was already done on frame 300 - 400
Thanks in advance for your answer!

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Micael Belin
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Re: Keep animation after edit

Post by Micael Belin » Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:10 pm


This is unfortunately a necessity for the recording process. Unless we remove all keys in the future, it would not only interfere with the tool simulators, it would normally also make the animation useless. Basically, you will not be able to make the animation seamless, but have an animation where the object suddenly snaps to the previous animation.

If you wish to have a manually made animation which is preserved between recording, i recommend using a intermediate child object on your rig, basically applying another layer of animation on the object.
[email protected]

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Re: Keep animation after edit

Post by shade0625 » Fri May 06, 2011 9:37 am

thank you for your answer, I will try using a child object. However, It would be great if you could "lock" some of the input channels (like external force) so the input data isn't lost if you re-record.
Just a thought for future improvements ;)
Thx for support!

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