Xbox 360 Controller Bizarre Functionality

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Xbox 360 Controller Bizarre Functionality

Post by chillyche » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:43 pm

So, Craft Director Tools recognized my Xbox 360 Controller for Windows, as do some games. However, Craft doesn't really recognize the layout of the controller. For instance, while the controller features 2 analog sticks, I only have one set of X, Y, Z axis to choose from in Craft. I also have a hat to choose from, which the Xbox controller doesn't really have, unless one is counting the D-pad as a hat (I suppose that would work). But I really need both joysticks to work -- the whole reason I went with this controller as an input device in the first place.

Anybody have any experience with this?

Patrik Martin
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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Bizarre Functionality

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:35 pm

It should recognize the analog sticks and buttons without a problem. However the Xbox controller uses the Right and Left Trigger as the same input which can be a bit confusing and that is not something we can change.
Try using the detect function when configuring the analog sticks. Click on the detect button and then move the input you like to use i.e. one of the analog sticks. It will configure it automatically for you.

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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Bizarre Functionality

Post by chillyche » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:24 pm

Thanks. It seems to work by using the detect feature, and now I see what the different buttons/sticks are called in windows (not terribly intuitive names, but we can blame windows for that).

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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Bizarre Functionality

Post by ilzadiraa » Fri May 13, 2011 8:10 am

I updated my xbox 360 and i do not know what to do? So I updated my xbox 360 and no whenever i turn it on, my homepage is someting different. I want to get it back to the original homepage and was wondering how i do that?

Patrik Martin
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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Bizarre Functionality

Post by Patrik Martin » Fri May 13, 2011 10:29 am

ilzadiraa wrote:I updated my xbox 360 and i do not know what to do? So I updated my xbox 360 and no whenever i turn it on, my homepage is someting different. I want to get it back to the original homepage and was wondering how i do that?
ilzadiraa I am not sure what you are having problems with. Could you please be a bit more specific?

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