I used the 6-wheeler truck template to rig a 6 wheeler peterbilt truck..all going well except two extra wheels..Extra wheel meshes are under -
Truck_carbody mesh > Truck chasis relocator mesh > Middle Boogie right chasis suspension > middle boogie right wheel mesh > the polygon middle tire of the truck..
All the tires and truck body behaving good except two extra wheels which change its shape - scaling (tire becomes flat while rotating) and comes to the correct shape..this keeps happening again and again..for example the from the side both wheels become eliptical and gets the correct shape, and again it happens..
For the extra wheels inputs - there were two options, truck and keyboard, I selected truck and selected truck's rear wheels - for example for rear middle left wheel of the truck, I selected rear left wheel..am terribly confused here..what causes this..can you please help me with extra wheels..I referred the manual but it doesnt have much data on this..