4 wheeler extended flies off a ramp jump

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4 wheeler extended flies off a ramp jump

Post by jigi525 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:58 am

Hi there!
I am working in maya 2011 and love the way craft director simplifies everything, right from animation to cameras.....but there is a problem....i am using the 4-wheeler extended for a car animation and there are two scenes i need to work on:
1. where the car jumps off a ramp.
2. where the car falls off the bridge.

But the problem is that after starting record...and leaving the ramp, the car flies off in air and never comes back to the ground. How do i make it like a real physics engine thing where the car would fall back to the ground ??

Any help would be appreciated !

Thanxxx :)

Patrik Martin
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Re: 4 wheeler extended flies off a ramp jump

Post by Patrik Martin » Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:39 am

The 4-Wheeler Extended is not really built to be doing big jumps but have you tried to activate the Wheel Ground Release function from the configuration of the 4-Wheeler Extended?

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Micael Belin
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Re: 4 wheeler extended flies off a ramp jump

Post by Micael Belin » Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:27 am

As Patirk mentioned, The 4-Wheeler is designed to drive, not fly. In order to have the car make long hurls in the air, i recommend you to use a physics engine on the chassis for the actuall fly time.
[email protected]

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