Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

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Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

Post by ddustin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:14 am

Is there a way to display what the rate of acceleration of a Craft 4WXT object is?

Many times we are given certain acceleration rates by our clients and it would be handy to have a feature like that (assuming it does not exist currently).

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Micael Belin
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Re: Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

Post by Micael Belin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:45 am

There is no direct way of telling the acceleration rate of the 4-Wheeler when driving, at least there is no support for it within the module itself.
Of course, you can do this rather simple in scripts, basically reading the acceleration by reading the position change from the last two keyed positions and current position.
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Re: Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

Post by ddustin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:32 pm

Simple for you Micael :D

What would be involved with writing a script that would use something like 2 dummies, one stationary the other attached to an object, then print the value in the max script listener (I could take it from there)?

Thanks for your help.
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Micael Belin
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Re: Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

Post by Micael Belin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:57 pm

Honestly, i have no idea how max script works :roll: I merely use the C++ API for our interaction. If you would like i can help you develop a simple tool, but i would have to charge you for it... Give me a formal request on [email protected] if this would be of interest. Otherwise i bet there are a lot of tutorials available for max scripts, maybe even finished solutions? I'm sorry i can't help you with any references though.
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Re: Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

Post by ddustin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:57 pm

Would the application run inside Director Studio or would it be free standing?

Thanks for the feedback,
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Micael Belin
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Re: Is there a way to show the acceleration Rate?

Post by Micael Belin » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:11 pm

It can be either or. The benefit of running within Craft Director Studio is that it will automatically be available on all our supported platforms and host programs. However a standalone solution would be able to be more integrated within the target host application. It's pretty much up to how you want it.
[email protected]

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