Craft and PPJoy/GlovePIE. Someone got it to work?

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Craft and PPJoy/GlovePIE. Someone got it to work?

Post by Komb » Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:03 pm

Hi there,

Short intro, if someone don't know already:

GlovePIE - programmable I/O controller/mapper. You can map anything to anything, or programmatically control the behaviour of axes, buttons, etc. For example - making the virtual joystick go in precise trigonometrical loops is cake. Or you can map your WiiMote to joystick (or your five wiimotes to five joysticks an do some "mocap" kind of stuff :)

PPJoy - virtual joystick driver, which can react to GlovePIE commands.

The sad part is, that CDS refuses to accept input from PPJoy driver. But it sees it in input devices dropdown. Weird, isn't it? For the sake of curiosity I tried another virtual joystick driver, called "VJoy", and it worked in Craft like a charm. But it's useless, because it won't listen to GlovePIE. :(

Tried various, somehow limited options to no avail. Games works with it, windows sees it and is able to "calibrate" - everything works but Craft.

Worth mentioning, that PPJoy "sits" on parallel port interface - may this be the showstopper?
Is Craft programmed to accept only usb controllers or smth, or it chews whatever the dx-input is throwing at it (preferably)?

My spec:
W7 x64, Max2011, Craft 10.1.2 trial download.

Any directions or ideas on this will be greatly appreciated - if we can get it to work, it will be a next giant step for the human kind :)
Imagine controlling Craft with your midi controller - dozens of axes of analog freedom :roll: And this is only the start...

Best regards,

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Micael Belin
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Re: Craft and PPJoy/GlovePIE. Someone got it to work?

Post by Micael Belin » Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:50 pm

I recognize the problem as i made a similar custom change of the input driver in another occasion. The problem is that the CDS driver does not poll the devices, hence game port controllers does not always work.

I'll see what i can dig up once i get back after the weekend, i'll let you know if i find anything.
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Re: Craft and PPJoy/GlovePIE. Someone got it to work?

Post by Komb » Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:52 pm

Thanks for looking into this and waiting impatiently for Your verdict. If it'll never work, at least we will know that. :)


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Micael Belin
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Re: Craft and PPJoy/GlovePIE. Someone got it to work?

Post by Micael Belin » Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:33 am

Hi Komb,

I have introduced a poll support in the dxdriver for CDS. It should solve your problem. It's not ready for public release, but i have made some prelease builds for you. Let me know how it goes!

Login to our ftp:
user: public
pass: craft

Then navigate to "prelease builds/win/dxdriver w pollfunction".

In there you will find two directories, x86 and x64, and within them, the file "dxjoystickdevice.dll". Copy the two files to the corresponding locations in the folder:
c:\program files (x86)\Craft Animations\directorstudio\data\unidevice\drivers\win. (The path beginning may differ, depending on where you choosed to install CDS).

Simply replace the existing files, but make sure the x86 file is replaced with it's corresponding x86 replacement! Don't mix them up.
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Re: Craft and PPJoy/GlovePIE. Someone got it to work?

Post by Komb » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:04 pm

Whii-haa :)

Quick tests show, that it works now. Didn't tested out with multiple joysticks yet, but I hope, that it'll be ok.
Guys, you are incredible - now that's, what I call "SUPPORT" :D

Tack så mycket!

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