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Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:29 am


Post by edthehobbit » Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Hey guys, just upgraded to version 10.

we're going to put the system through its paces in the next few weeks, and I'll be sure to put up feedback as we go along.

First off, though, I just want to say that I really like the new features in the 'help' documentation -- the animated examples are a good addition. The more detailed and example-driven you can make the documentation, the more we get out of it.

Patrik Martin
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Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Re: feedback

Post by Patrik Martin » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:57 pm

edthehobbit wrote:Hey guys, just upgraded to version 10.

we're going to put the system through its paces in the next few weeks, and I'll be sure to put up feedback as we go along.

First off, though, I just want to say that I really like the new features in the 'help' documentation -- the animated examples are a good addition. The more detailed and example-driven you can make the documentation, the more we get out of it.
Feedback is always appreciated.

The animated examples is actually one of the oldest features we have in the documentation. Hard to see first time I guess :)

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