sphereCam vibrates like hell (c4d)

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sphereCam vibrates like hell (c4d)

Post by wombat » Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:16 pm


I have problems using the SphereCam (maybe same with other cams but this one is the first I have used so far). I'm using Cinema 4d 11.5
First I did a short test drive using the 4Wheeler Ext and parented the SphereCam to it - so far no problems. After a while I was pleased with the car animation, so I switched off the 4Wheeler's key symbol in the craft director studio window. Now I want to re-record the simulation - this time with a prekeyed car and a SphereCam that still can be driven by keyboard. Unfortunately now the "SphereCam_01_SphereCam" is stuttering like hell. "SphereCam_01_TargetMesh" isn't shaking and also the car animation seems to be ok but "SphereCam_01_SphereCam" is vibrating and stuttering as soon as "SphereCam_01_TargetMesh" is parented to a fixed keyed object :-(
Clicking the "resimulate" button doesen't change anything.
I have also tried to do a simple setup with a cube that is animated in a linear way. Then I generated a new SphereCam and parented "SphereCam_01_TargetMesh" to the animated cube: same result - "SphereCam_01_SphereCam" is stuttering :-(
Can anyone help me ?

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Micael Belin
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Re: sphereCam vibrates like hell (c4d)

Post by Micael Belin » Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:00 pm

Which version of CDS are you using? I recognize your problem, especially within the CINEMA 4D environment, but the issue was resolved with 9.4.1 i think. Make sure you have the latest version of CDS (download it from out homepage, http://www.craftanimations.com) and let us know if your issue is still there then.
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Re: sphereCam vibrates like hell (c4d)

Post by wombat » Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:36 pm

Thanks - after upgrading to the newest version the problem is gone.


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