Missing something-help please?

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Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:27 pm

Missing something-help please?

Post by mikej » Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:40 pm

Well I wanted to try out some of the plug-ins but something is missing...let me explain.
I installed the download from the site...no problem. I started working through some of the tutorials/manuals and was having difficulty. I realized something wasn't the same. Then I noticed, under some of the plug-ins when I select 'configure settings for the selected tree' the window that pops up isn't the same as pictured on the manual. I reinstalled and still the same. To describe it....it's very basic looking. just the options on the left with the parameters on the right. In the manual and images on the craft site, there are many other buttons for selecting things, calculating things, little check boxes, ect....

So in effort to trouble shoot I downloaded and installed the plug-in on another computer of mine. Well....same same and viola...the extended looking configuration window displays. Lot's more options, bells and whistles.

So....my problem is everything is the same except the machines the software's are on. This would lead me to suspect something like a Direct-X, or other lower level plug-in in the system causing this foul-up. However....I can only try so many things. If anyone knows of what would be at the top to the suspect list to look at I would greatly appreciate it. Without the extra menu options somethings aren't even a possibility....ie Autonomous mode in 4 wheeler ext.

oh I'm on studio max.

Help help
thanks thank

Patrik Martin
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Re: Missing something-help please?

Post by Patrik Martin » Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:23 pm

Hello and welcome to the forum mikej,

Have you had any different version of Craft Director Tools installed before on your computer?

I am suspecting that you are probobly having the same problems as trimmis had.
Path Constraints Autonomous Mode
Does this help you :?:

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:27 pm

Re: Missing something-help please?

Post by mikej » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:19 pm

Ah...fixed it. Thanks

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