
Got questions, comments and/or feedback regarding Craft Director Studio? Post them here.
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Post by fredrik » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:36 pm

Hi everyone!

References are very useful in production but they won't work with Craft if you've performed a simulation on the scene which you would like to reference into another scene. This is because the animation curves are considered being part of what you are not allowed to modify on a referenced scene.

Workaround: Select all your craft objects which have been baked/animated. Open up the graph editor and delete all animation curves. Hit save (probably best to save to a new file for testing purposes, heh heh). Now you can reference this scene into another scene and hit record and start to animate your vehicles.

Feature request: Button(s) that will kill animation on individual craft nodes (and preferably one button to kill them all!).
Fredrik Averpil,
VFX Supervisor, Filmgate

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