Ray Caster Max Distance

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Ray Caster Max Distance

Post by edthehobbit » Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:54 pm

Hey there guys, I've been working with Ray Caster a bit, and I cannot find the "max distance" setting that is in the tutorial on youtube.

Am I missing something? We're hoping to use ray caster pretty heavily, so it'll be good to know if this is in the cards or not.

thanks again! (this is the last question for a while, I promise)

Carl Buhre
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Re: Ray Caster Max Distance

Post by Carl Buhre » Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:51 pm

edthehobbit wrote:Hey there guys, I've been working with Ray Caster a bit, and I cannot find the "max distance" setting that is in the tutorial on youtube.

Am I missing something? We're hoping to use ray caster pretty heavily, so it'll be good to know if this is in the cards or not.

thanks again! (this is the last question for a while, I promise)
Hello Ed,
You're right. That option has been added recently and has not been released officially, it's coming with the next update. If you want to try a Release Candidate of version 9.2.3 (which includes the RayCaster option) you can download it here:
http://www.craftanimations.com/tasks/si ... 3b1410.exe

And don't worry about asking questions, we love the feedback and it's a lot better that you ask us questions if things are unclear, or we have no way of knowing we've done something that is unclear.

Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:29 am

Re: Ray Caster Max Distance

Post by edthehobbit » Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:05 pm

this works perfectly!

I realize raycaster may not be high on the list of priorities for you guys, but we're using it already to get some pretty interesting results. I'll put a few animation tests up on the "user-created content" forum as soon as we get some done.

Thanks again!

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