Slowing down a SIM

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Slowing down a SIM

Post by Robertxyz » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:45 am

How can you "slow down" and vehicle SIM (4-Wheeler Ext)?
I created a SIM in Maya with a frame rate of 24FPS, and now I need to slow it down.

What part of the configuration do I need to adjust so I can re-simulate it and render it out.

Thanks in advance!


Carl Buhre
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Re: Slowing down a SIM

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:21 am

Robertxyz wrote:How can you "slow down" and vehicle SIM (4-Wheeler Ext)?
I created a SIM in Maya with a frame rate of 24FPS, and now I need to slow it down.

What part of the configuration do I need to adjust so I can re-simulate it and render it out.

Thanks in advance!

Do you want to change the frame rate? The speed of the vehicle? The length of the animation? Please clarify. If you just want to change the frame rate you can just do so and you're done. If you want to update the animation with the new frame rate you can just press Resimulate after you've changed the frame rate.

And finally, if you want to change the maximum speed of Craft 4-Wheeler Extended, you need to change the "Gas Pedal (Forw/Backw) Maximum" to a higher value.

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Re: Slowing down a SIM

Post by Robertxyz » Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:08 pm

Well, basically, I need my existing simulation to be slower. I do not want to Re Drive the car. I just want it to go slower. I animated it with a 24FPS set up. The animation is at 15 seconds. And I need to extend it to 25 seconds, again, without re driving the car.

So winch option is best?
Thanks Carl,


Carl Buhre
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Re: Slowing down a SIM

Post by Carl Buhre » Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:42 pm

Robertxyz wrote:Well, basically, I need my existing simulation to be slower. I do not want to Re Drive the car. I just want it to go slower. I animated it with a 24FPS set up. The animation is at 15 seconds. And I need to extend it to 25 seconds, again, without re driving the car.

So winch option is best?
Thanks Carl,

In the Time Configuration of 3ds Max there is a button called "Re-scale Time". This is probably the alternative you're looking for. In order to use it though, you will need to convert the key-frames created by Craft 4-Wheeler Extended into regular ones. This is most easily done by Unplugging the tool. Create a backup scene before doing this if you ever want to go back and edit the recording.

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Re: Slowing down a SIM

Post by Robertxyz » Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:49 pm

I DID NOT use Max, I created the SIM in Maya. So is there a similar function in Maya


Carl Buhre
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Re: Slowing down a SIM

Post by Carl Buhre » Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:14 am

I'm no guru at Maya so I googled it and this is from a post I found:
iphowey on wrote: as far as I know maya doesn't have that feature. so the easiest two ways would be: go to edit > select all, then open up the dope sheet and click on "dopesheet summary" then scale all the keys using the scale tool. This will do the same thing as rescaling time except if you have any dynamics running in your scene, they can act differently.

the other way do get a 600 frame animation out of something that actually takes 900 frames is by going to your render settings and under "by frame" say 1.5 instead of 1.
Hope that helps!

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Luigi Tramontana
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Re: Slowing down a SIM

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:36 pm


Yes, these are the two basic ways of changing the vehicle speed.

First: simply use the graph editor:
1. Select all parts of the 4wext.
2. in the graph editor select all objects in the left tree
3. Click the Frame All button and then select all keys
4. right click in the curves window and select Edit then Transformation Tools then Scale Keys Tool
5. Place the pointer at the very first key and then scale the keys with the middle mouse button.

Second: If you do not have to sync the car to anything else I would increase the fps and render it out and play it back in 24 fps. This is also generally a good thing to do if you have fast renderings since you then have the option to scale the clip in the editing/compositing application you use without making the clip be chopped.

Good luck
Luigi Tramontana

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