Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

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Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

Post by Enigma229 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:14 am

Hey guys,

I'm thinking about going into the skies with my next animation and have an AirplaneExt question. Basically, I have an aircraft and when I go into afterburn, I want it's wings to move back (like a variable-sweep wing aircraft does). Can I achieve this by using a combination of the AirplaneExt and say, DirectInputLink or would you have another idea?

Carl Buhre
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Re: Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:58 am

Enigma229 wrote:Hey guys,

I'm thinking about going into the skies with my next animation and have an AirplaneExt question. Basically, I have an aircraft and when I go into afterburn, I want it's wings to move back (like a variable-sweep wing aircraft does). Can I achieve this by using a combination of the AirplaneExt and say, DirectInputLink or would you have another idea?
That will probably work or you could use a combination of the AirplaneExt and MultiStateMachine.

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Re: Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

Post by Enigma229 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:33 pm

That will probably work or you could use a combination of the AirplaneExt and MultiStateMachine.
Ok, but how to set-up so that an input from the AirplaneExt will control a MultiState and/or DirectInput? I don't see any options for this.

Carl Buhre
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Re: Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:36 pm

Enigma229 wrote:
That will probably work or you could use a combination of the AirplaneExt and MultiStateMachine.
Ok, but how to set-up so that an input from the AirplaneExt will control a MultiState and/or DirectInput? I don't see any options for this.
I guess you can use the same button for both inputs but the virtual inputs are not available for the after burner, yet. I will inform Luigi, I'm sure he can implement it to the beta version of Airplane Extended.

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Luigi Tramontana
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Re: Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:10 pm

On the other hand the easiest way to do this is to use the same button you use for the afterburner to also control the DIL ;)

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Re: Variable-sweep wing aircraft question

Post by Enigma229 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:02 pm

Luigi Tramontana wrote:On the other hand the easiest way to do this is to use the same button you use for the afterburner to also control the DIL ;)
Ah yes. Very simple solution. Thanks Luigi.

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