Jericho cluster missile

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Jericho cluster missile

Post by jojo » Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:54 pm

i think about making the missle you see in ironman (The Jericho) basicly it's a missile that deploys a large amount of smaller missiles that follow their target.

is that possible to make by linking lots of missiles to the main missile, and pressing launch in mid air?
or would there be lots of other steps involved?

also im thinking about having the missiles be ejected to the side with some force, so would it be possible to give a missile a initial velocity, that's different from its forward facing direction on launch?

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Luigi Tramontana
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Re: Jericho cluster missile

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:04 pm

Sure, think in ways of physical building blocks.
There is a function in missile called "fire on Nth" which enables you to fire a missile after pushing the fire button "N" times.
There is also an initial front and/or up velocity parameter. It launches the missile in the local -z and/or y direction, ie forward and/or up. This can be used in combination with "ignition time" to delay the flame and thrust.

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