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input device problem
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:45 pm
by geet
i have two analog controllers one is playstation 3 analog game controller and other is a local game pad .Both of them can be used to play games on pc ,they are also shown in the directx window as a compatible input device but when i want to use for input settings in 3ds max it neither detects automatically nor manually help me plz.
Re: input device problem
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:10 pm
by Carl Buhre
geet wrote:i have two analog controllers one is playstation 3 analog game controller and other is a local game pad .Both of them can be used to play games on pc ,they are also shown in the directx window as a compatible input device but when i want to use for input settings in 3ds max it neither detects automatically nor manually help me plz.
Hello Geet and welcome to our forum.
This sounds odd. Are you saying that no one of your two gamepad are working in Craft Director Tools? They have to be plugged in before you start 3ds MAX otherwise they won't be detected. But this almost sounds like some other type of issue. Are you using the USB-charging cable to connect the PS3 controller to your PC? I'll bring one of my controllers from home into the office tomorrow and see if I get the same problem.
Re: input device problem
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:31 pm
by geet
yes i am using ps3 controller with the usb cable provided with ps3 plus i downloaded the drivers from net to get the ps3 controller working on pc also if i can play games with the controller why can`t it be detected with craft director tools
Re: input device problem
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:37 pm
by Carl Buhre
geet wrote:yes i am using ps3 controller with the usb cable provided with ps3 plus i downloaded the drivers from net to get the ps3 controller working on pc also if i can play games with the controller why can`t it be detected with craft director tools
Geet, do you have a link to the drivers so I know that I'm using the same ones when I try it. If it worked with games it _should_ work with Craft Director Tools.
Re: input device problem
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:05 am
by Carl Buhre
I brought the PS3 controller into work today and used the drivers from
this page. And it works for me without any problems.
Are you sure you checked "Joystick device" during the installation process? Please download
the latest version of Craft Director Tools and run the installation again (no need to uninstall anything, just remember that 3ds MAX/Maya can't be running during the installation) and make sure you check "Joystick device". Then start 3ds MAX/Maya and try auto detecting again.

Re: input device problem
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:01 pm
by geet
thanx a ton now its its more fun to drive the car .thanx once again
Re: input device problem
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:05 pm
by Carl Buhre
geet wrote:thanx a ton now its its more fun to drive the car .thanx once again
Great to hear that Geet. Please let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions for possible improvements.