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Problems with airplane extended autonomous mode
Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:24 pm
by nvroddog
I'm having problems with the airplane not following the target mesh. I follow the directions in the documentation, but the airplane just does it's own thing and doesn't follow the target mesh. Am I missing something?
Re: Problems with airplane extended autonomous mode
Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:29 pm
by Carl Buhre
nvroddog wrote:I'm having problems with the airplane not following the target mesh. I follow the directions in the documentation, but the airplane just does it's own thing and doesn't follow the target mesh. Am I missing something?
Do you think you could send us the scene? Strip it of any sensitive assets if you have to, and send it to
[email protected]. If it's bigger than 10MB, mention it in the e-mail and we'll provide you with an FTP account to upload it.
Re: Problems with airplane extended autonomous mode
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:44 pm
by nvroddog
The scene is larger than 10MB, so if you provide an FTP I can send it. I've created a path and the target mesh is constrained to it. The airplane always wants to start at the beginning of the path although I've keyframed the target mesh to start at a different point. Even when I move the airplane to the correct starting position, it will jump to the beginng of the path. It also over takes the target mesh. I've also noticed that the control surfaces do not move and I don't have joystick control.
Re: Problems with airplane extended autonomous mode
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:19 am
by Carl Buhre
nvroddog wrote:The scene is larger than 10MB, so if you provide an FTP I can send it. I've created a path and the target mesh is constrained to it. The airplane always wants to start at the beginning of the path although I've keyframed the target mesh to start at a different point. Even when I move the airplane to the correct starting position, it will jump to the beginng of the path. It also over takes the target mesh. I've also noticed that the control surfaces do not move and I don't have joystick control.
I've sent you an e-mail with the details.