Front facing direction in Maya = neg Z?

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Front facing direction in Maya = neg Z?

Post by YMangolds » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:09 pm

Out of curiosity, why does CDT create new vehicles so that their "front" is facing down the negative Z axis in maya? I know other things, like directional lights, also face down neg Z, but I thought it would be more practicle to be able to switch to the front viewport and be looking at the front of the vehicle instead of the rear.
Yuris Mangolds
Director of 3D
C2i Studios
[email protected]

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Micael Belin
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Re: Front facing direction in Maya = neg Z?

Post by Micael Belin » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:12 am

Hello Yuris,

It is true that we always use negative Z as our forward direction. The reason why is that the cameras are directed in the negative Z and we want to keep consistency between all tools. I understand that it might seem strange having to see the rear of the model in the front viewport. However it's actually not that strange. You are not viewing the object itself, you are viewing in the direction you are moving.
[email protected]

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