Craft crawler tracks not showing up

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Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Rockis » Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:40 am

I tried tried to run the craft director tools bundle on Maya 2008 (64 bits) my Mac running windows Vista 64 (in bootcamp) and everything seems to work except the crawler tracks, that doesn't show up as a tool in Maya. My guess was that the PhysX wasn't working. The download link in the installation doesn't seem to work since the Agaia homepage is moving to Nvidia, but i found the PhysX_7.11.13_SystemSoftware.exe and tried it, but no sucess, and i also found PhysX_8.04.25_SystemSoftware for Vista and tried it but i still don't have the Tracks in my tools. Maybe it have something to do with the SDK not running with 64 bits? Any clues?
Thanks in advance!

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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Stefan_40 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:38 pm


Craft crawler tracks isn´t available to x64 systems right now, only for x32 (at least for 3ds max, but I think it´s the same for Maya).
But keep your eyes open, a new version is on the way soon, whit 64-bits support!

Stefan Törnqvist

Carl Buhre
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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:52 pm

Hello Rockis and welcome to the forum. Craft CrawlerTracks wasn't available in the 64-bit version because PhysX didn't have support for 64-bit. So during the time that Craft CrawlerTracks wasn't been available in 64-bit we've changed physics engine from PhysX to our own custom version of the open source engine Bullet. Which supports 64-bit.

And we just released the latest bundle of Craft Director Tools which includes the 64-bit version of Craft CrawlerTracks. Use the "Download bundle" button on our site to get it. Please note that Bullet and PhysX differ a bit in their calculations, so if you open an old scene where you have recorded Craft CrawlerTracks when it was PhysX-based, and press Resimulate using the new Bullet-based Craft CrawlerTracks, the results may not be identical to what you previously had recorded.
The new Craft CrawlerTracks is backwards compatible. So you won't have any problems opening old scenes. The parameters have changed though so you won't be able to use any old saved configuration profiles.

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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Rockis » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:40 pm

Great! Fastest response ever :-D Thanks!!!

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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Stefan_40 » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:42 am


Regarding Crawler Tracks, if I download the "new" package right now, v8.1.8, will that include Crawler Tracks for x64?
Just asking because I don´t see any news about it and v8.1.8 has been available since feb 28.

Also, PhysX drivers are available for x64, when NVidia bought AEGIA they did drivers for x64 platforms, you find them at the download section at


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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Carl Buhre » Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:41 am

Stefan_40 wrote:Hello

Regarding Crawler Tracks, if I download the "new" package right now, v8.1.8, will that include Crawler Tracks for x64?
Just asking because I don´t see any news about it and v8.1.8 has been available since feb 28.

Also, PhysX drivers are available for x64, when NVidia bought AEGIA they did drivers for x64 platforms, you find them at the download section at

Ah, well good for them, hehe. As I mentioned before, at the time they didn't (to my knowledge at least). But 64-bit support wasn't the only reason for us to change physics engine.

As for the new Craft CrawlerTracks (32 & 64-bit), you _will_ receive it if you download the bundle from out site. We haven't increased the version number as we've gotten some complaints from our users that our update system is annoying and needs to be reworked. The new update system will be available in the big update that we're doing this summer so we did a "silent update". I'm sure a newsletter will introduce the changes of the new Craft CrawlerTracks but a lot of people in the office are away attending the ITEC convention in Stockholm so it will probably showing up next week instead (the newsletter).

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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Carl Buhre » Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:47 am

Oh, and one more thing about the new Craft CrawlerTracks. The PRM files needs to be updated for them to work properly. I have the updated PRMs ready, I'm just going to do some final testing before they are released.

Update: The Pre-Rigged Solutions have been updated and uploaded to our site.

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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Stefan_40 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:09 pm

Hello Carl

And thanks for the reply! Is it only the AMX-30 Roland and the M1A Abrams tank models that needs to be updated or even the others?


Carl Buhre
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Re: Craft crawler tracks not showing up

Post by Carl Buhre » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:17 pm

Stefan_40 wrote:Hello Carl

And thanks for the reply! Is it only the AMX-30 Roland and the M1A Abrams tank models that needs to be updated or even the others?

Primarily it was the tanks but we're updating the Helicopters that use Craft Firepower as well because saved profiles for them might look odd with the new bundle. We'll be releasing them next week. Until then, have a great weekend all!

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