scaling issue, My car is longer how to match it?!

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HJ Panorama
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:55 pm

scaling issue, My car is longer how to match it?!

Post by HJ Panorama » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:05 pm


I have a car model ( particularly a cartoon machine ) which is longer than that of the craft's .. so I needed to move the vertexes of craft's extended car proxy to match to mine especially at body parts .. so the GravityDirectionMesh goes below the GroundPlane

and when animating, my car scales nonuniform so that it becomes distorted... as well as falling down to the half of the wheel below the Ground plane....

how can I fix this??

thank you in advance

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Re: scaling issue, My car is longer how to match it?!

Post by Stefan_40 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:49 pm


You don´t need to edit the vertexpoints on your Craft dummy, just scale and move the body and wheels to match your hi-res car body as close as possible. If it doesn´t match 100% it´s okay anyway (the wheels are most important that they match) but not the car body itself. You can scale in every axis (XYZ) so it´s not so hard to make it match closley.

Good luck!

P.S Check out the videotutorials available here, really good to learn!

Patrik Martin
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Re: scaling issue, My car is longer how to match it?!

Post by Patrik Martin » Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:11 pm

Just as Stefan says you do not need to edit the 4-wheelers dummy other than move and scale the body and wheels.
Here is an example of a truck rigg:

As you probobly can see is that we have moved the rear wheels and the TurnBaseMesh to the end of the model, 4-wheeler (ext) in the picture.

Here is the link to the tutorial for 4-wheeler extended basics: ... orial.html

good luck

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