Though I am not the end-user of your products (while), but I nevertheless have small experience of use of the expanded demo-license. Therefore I want to tell a pair of words.
It would be desirable, that additional ExtraWheels were included in Crawlers Suspension physical model. Or that at Crawlers settings it was possible to specify number of wheels - 4, 6, 8 etc. And that the Crawler could jump. Then it can correctly move through "sharp" obstacles, such as springboards, walls of entrenchments and borders (for example as here ... re=related). Now with the plugin's help it is impossible to make such this one.
And one more.
As now the Helicopter and the Airplane in any way physically do not collide with model of the ground. But animation of landing and rise of flying vehicles is the most frequently claimed. Therefore it would be desirable, that in the future such opportunity all would be added to opportunities of a package.