Out of memory crash

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Out of memory crash

Post by the_ein » Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:39 am

I am working on a 6 min long car chase video in 3ds max, using craft animations 5x 4wheelerext and past 7000 frames when i atempt to save it crashes with out of memory error, but if i look in the resource manager in the process i can clearly see that it takes only 600 mb of ram and there is still 500 free and plenty of hhd space, im running Win7 32 bit with 2gig ram, is it really a memory limitation or some bug?Maybe there is some work around in cutting it to 2 diffrent scenes, but im not able to figure it out, cause if i unplug craft to delete previous keys then i cant animate further or if i create new skeletons in same positions then i cant have the same initial velocity :?

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Micael Belin
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Re: Out of memory crash

Post by Micael Belin » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:20 pm

I suspect it is a memory problem. Even though it displays available memory, the memory may be fragmented and the software is having trouble allocating the sufficient memory size it needs.

Basically, try limit the memory usage in the scene and try free up as much memory you can outside the host program (close other applications etc). If you have completely finished some cars, try unplug them if possible. It will limit your possibility to edit the animation, but it might be an option to solver your problem.
[email protected]

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