How to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much?

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How to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much?

Post by sniperswf » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:06 am

Can anybody guide or help me how to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much I should very appreciate for your helping me!
In Recording, I noted my tank's tracksteps are flaccidity too much. I tried to increase its parameter value: Flaccidity Reduction = 8 and so on, but nothing worked! Where's the mistake?

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Henrik Hansson
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Re: How to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much?

Post by Henrik Hansson » Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:35 am

Hello sniperswf!

One way to remove flaccidity even more is to increase the number of subframes. This will increase the accuracy of the simulation. This is the parameter just below the Flaccidity Reduction parameter. The default value is 10, so try with a value like 15-20. Be careful increasing it to much, cause it can slow down the simulation time alot.

You can also try to increase the Bending Stiffness and Bending Damping to get a more stiff track.

Hope this helps!

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Carl Buhre
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Re: How to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much?

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:40 am

Another method to counter a bouncy track is to create a row of support wheels to block it from getting outside of regions where it's not supposed to.

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Re: How to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much?

Post by sniperswf » Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:56 am

Henrik Hansson wrote:Hello sniperswf!

One way to remove flaccidity even more is to increase the number of subframes. This will increase the accuracy of the simulation. This is the parameter just below the Flaccidity Reduction parameter. The default value is 10, so try with a value like 15-20. Be careful increasing it to much, cause it can slow down the simulation time alot.

You can also try to increase the Bending Stiffness and Bending Damping to get a more stiff track.

Hope this helps!

Dear Henrik,

Thank you very much! I'm ok now. :lol:

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Re: How to modify the tamk with a flaccidity track too much?

Post by sniperswf » Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:59 am

Carl Buhre wrote:Another method to counter a bouncy track is to create a row of support wheels to block it from getting outside of regions where it's not supposed to.
Dear Carl Buhre,

Thank you very much!

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