Craft Animation - Collision Help me

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Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by flamingox » Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:42 am

I have one problem with plugin 4wheeler from craft animation for maya. I need collisions with other objects, etc. simulation crash to the wall, bounce car by wall please help me how to bounce or collided with other objects. I used maya and 4wheeler for test. Please how to setup collision for car for plugin. Thank you

Carl Buhre
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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by Carl Buhre » Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:22 am

Create a plane to drive on, and build a pyramid of boxes to crash through. The boxes in the text below are named "pCube44" to "pCube52".


Record the animation for the vehicle by driving straight through the pile of boxes. Next, here's how to create the collision:

1. Via shelf’s dropdown menu, select Dynamics.
2. Select the ground (pPlane1).
3. Under the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu, select Create Passive Rigid Body.
4. Select WheelerExt_01_CarBodyMesh.
5. Under the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu, select Create Passive Rigid Body again.

All the passive objects have been selected for the scene and now the active objects will be selected.
Suggestion: To speed up the work, bring up the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu before the next step.

6. Select pCube43.
7. Under the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu, select options (the box icon) for Create Active Rigid Body and set the mass to 100.
8. Repeat the previous two steps for all boxes (pCube44 to pCube52).

Suggestion: To speed up the work bring up the Fields menu before the next step.

9. Select pCube43 again.
10. Under the Fields menu, select Gravity.
11. Repeat the previous steps for all boxes (pCube44 to pCube52).
12. Drag the timeline back and select Play to replay the scene and simulate the physics.

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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by flamingox » Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:53 am

thank you very much, this is working and i have questions, working this steps for ncloth, please small tutoial for ncloth, this is a best, thank you

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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by flamingox » Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:04 pm

I have plane passive this ok, but i have cube as wall passive and car ride along, car dont crash to the wall-cube, car dont bounce, help me please

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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:53 pm

You cannot control the car during a crash, but you can make maya dynamics take over at the moment of crash. Simply record the car driving through the debris, then make the car a passive object at the crash frame. But as I mentioned the control of the car is lost after this.

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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by ddustin » Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:36 pm

A crash Engine?
1. Any idea when this will be released?
2. Will it be available as an upgrade to the current 4wext?
3. We would be interested in testing it..

There have been various beta releases (such as the 4wext beta).
Do you have a projected date when these will be released?

Best regards (you guys are awesome)
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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:26 am

Crash engine is perhaps not the right word since it implies deformable physics. We are developing deformable physics tools but they are part of a research project in which the physics per se works atomically in predetermined situations but to make it a usable product it will require much more development. So with crash engine I meant crashes with rigid physics meaning no deformations.

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Re: Craft Animation - Collision Help me

Post by Krista » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:20 am

Carl Buhre wrote:
Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:22 am
Create a plane to drive on, and build a pyramid of boxes to crash through. The boxes in the text below are named "pCube44" to "pCube52".


Record the animation for the vehicle by driving straight through the pile of boxes. Next, here's how to create the collision:

1. Via shelf’s dropdown menu, select Dynamics.
2. Select the ground (pPlane1).
3. Under the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu, select Create Passive Rigid Body.
4. Select WheelerExt_01_CarBodyMesh.
5. Under the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu, select Create Passive Rigid Body again.

All the passive objects have been selected for the scene and now the active objects will be selected.
Suggestion: To speed up the work, bring up the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu before the next step.

6. Select pCube43.
7. Under the Soft/Rigid Bodies menu, select options (the box icon) for Create Active Rigid Body and set the mass to 100.
8. Repeat the previous two steps for all boxes (pCube44 to pCube52).

Suggestion: To speed up the work bring up the Fields menu before the next step.

9. Select pCube43 again.
10. Under the Fields menu, select Gravity.
11. Repeat the previous steps for all boxes (pCube44 to pCube52).
12. Drag the timeline back and select Play to replay the scene and simulate the physics.

Hello, could you, please, update the images if they are still relevant. Can't see it:(

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